9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club

What better way to start the year than to get a lot of matches under your belt!!! Multi-player round robin format where you get to play numerous players.

9.00am-12.30pm: Division 2 for players up to 1400 Ratings Central Points

1-5pm: Division 1 Open (note that players up to 1400 Ratings Central Points can also enter this event)

Round-robin stage: best of 5 games; however, if you win the first 2 games, then that match is over. If the match is tied at 2 games all, then the fifth game starts at 5 points all. Semi-finals and finals to follow round-robin stage.

Note: results will not be uploaded to Ratings Central.

Fees: $10 (incl GST) or $15 (incl GST) to enter both divisions

No need to register; just show up! Regardless of your standard of play, you are guaranteed many matches!!

**Cash prizes for the winners**

Enquiries: admin@coburgtabletennis.club