Our Tuesday Spring Pennant starts on Tuesday, September 3; register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/249029
- 3-person teams where each player plays 3 singles matches; no doubles matches*
- 7pm start
- fees: $60.00, payable when season starts.
- additional fees (unless already paid): CTTC membership ($10 annual fee) as well as annual TTV player registration.
- registrations close on August 27, 2024
* Note the change in format from the current season, a decision based on a recent survey of current Tuesday pennant players which showed a preference for playing 3 singles. Having just shifted from 2 to 3-person teams, we’re looking for the most appropriate format moving forward. For example, a key consideration is avoiding relatively late finishes, hence the decision to not play doubles this coming season. Further feedback will be sought from players over the next two or three months.
Contact Brian on 0492 904 954 if you have any questions.