9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club

TTV fees

In line with current best practice, TTV has now introduced a double authentication system when paying all TTV/TTA fees. This has led to a change in the process by which Coburg TTC has managed such payments to this point. As of now, all TTV/TTA payments will be paid...

Autumn Pennant: Tuesdays and Thursdays @ Coburg

We are now taking entries for our Tuesday and Thursday Pennants starting in February 2025. Tuesday pennant: 10 rounds plus semi and grand final, starting on February 18, 2025*; register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/276054 Format: Coburg...

Bruce Carter Tournament – Sunday January 26, 2025 @ Coburg

What better way to start the year than to get a lot of matches under your belt!!! Multi-player round robin format where you get to play numerous players. 9.00am-12.30pm: Division 2 for players up to 1400 Ratings Central Points 1-5pm: Division 1 Open (note that players...

Holiday Camp @ Coburg

Holiday Camp open to all: from 1-3pm daily on Monday January 20, Tuesday January 21, Thursday January 23 and Friday January 24 (note that the Wednesday session previuosly advertised has been cancelled). Cost is $10 per session payable on the day; no booking required....