Our deepest condolences to Ray Myrteza and his family on the passing of his father, Ray Senior. Ray Senior was a fixture at our club for a number of years, back to when Ray Junior first came to Coburg as a young teenager. He was always there from the earliest days, whether watching Ray Junior play in his first pennant on Wednesdays, getting coaching from Craig Carter, or just having a hit. He was tremendously supportive of Ray Junior and would have been very proud as his son became one of Coburg’s very best. And I know, from my many conversations over the years with Ray Snr, that he was equally proud of his son’s academic achievements.
Vale Ray Myrteza Senior.
Coburg TTC Shirts
Coburg TTC will be placing an order for new club t-shirts as well as polo shirts.
If you would like to buy a shirt, place your order here https://form.jotform.com/240033405653042 by February 24, 2025. Sizing and other details can be found on the order form.
Default format for player name is Initial, Surname (eg. B Zammit). Please indicate on the form if you require something different.
• without name: $50; with name: $53
Polo Shirts:
• without name: $53; with name: $55
*note: all prices inclusive of GST
Payment to be made at the club when picking up your shirt/s.
Elite Open Qualification Tournament (Sunday February 2) and other events @ Coburg
A reminder that the 2025 Elite Open Qualification Tournament is being held at Coburg on Sunday February 2; entries still open. Go to https://www.coburgtabletennis.club/2025-elite-open-qualification-tournament-coburg-ttc/ for more details
Other upcoming events:
- Holiday Camp with Bruce Carter from Monday January 20 to Friday January 24 (note: Wednesday January 22 has been cancelled); go to https://www.coburgtabletennis.club/holiday-camp-coburg/for more details
- Bruce Carter Tournament on Sunday January 26; go to https://www.coburgtabletennis.club/bruce-carter-tournament-sunday-january-26-2025-coburg/ for more details
- Autumn Pennants starting soon; for more info:
- Tuesday and Thursday pennant https://www.coburgtabletennis.club/autumn-pennant-tuesdays-and-thursdays-coburg/
- Wednesday and Friday pennant https://www.coburgtabletennis.club/wednesday-pennant-autumn-2025/
TTV fees
In line with current best practice, TTV has now introduced a double authentication system when paying all TTV/TTA fees. This has led to a change in the process by which Coburg TTC has managed such payments to this point. As of now, all TTV/TTA payments will be paid online via this link https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/registration There will be no change to the way CTTC fees (playing rights, membership subscription fee, Keenagers fees, pennant fees) are paid, ie at the club using credit/debit card or cash.
If you run into any difficulties processing your TTV/TTA fees, please contact admin@coburgtabletennis.club
Autumn Pennant: Tuesdays and Thursdays @ Coburg
We are now taking entries for our Tuesday and Thursday Pennants starting in February 2025.
Tuesday pennant: 10 rounds plus semi and grand final, starting on February 18, 2025*; register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/276054
- Coburg Premier League: 2 or 3-person teams depending on entries
- Rating Central Requirement: above 1600 Rating Central points (as at close of registrations); however, players who are below 1600 RC points will be considered if circumstances warrant.
- Other sections: 3-person teams where each player plays 3 singles matches; no doubles matches
- 7pm start
Thursday Pennant: starting on February 20, 2025*; register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/276317
- 2 or 3 person teams depending on entries
- Rating Central Requirement: up to 1250 Rating Central points (as at close of registrations); however, players above that rating will be considered if circumstances warrant.
- 7.30pm start
* we are awaiting advice from Merri-Bek City Council regarding a starting date for the refurbishment of the foyer/replacement of the front door. This could mean postponing the start of, or pausing, the season for a couple of weeks. We will notify all players once we receive Council confirmation.
PLEASE NOTE: in 2024, registrations for Tuesday pennant were extremely healthy, to the extent that a number of players (close to twenty in Spring 2024) missed out. We anticipate a similar squeeze on spots this time around. We’re hoping to address this by moving two sections to Thursdays (7.30pm start). To avoid missing out, we urge all players up to 1250 Ratings Central points who are available to play on either night to register for both Tuesday and Thursday pennants. Once registrations close, the pennant sub-committee will advise relevant players whether they have been assigned to Tuesday or Thursday night. Please email admin@coburgtabletennis.club if you have any questions or talk to a member of the Pennant sub-committee.
- Pennant fees: $7 per round (including GST); payable when season starts
- CTTC membership fee (annual): $10
- TTV ‘competition’ player registration fee (annual): $115.00 Adult/$95 concession
Entries for both pennants close on February 4, 2025. Please email admin@coburgtabletennis.club if you have any questions.
Bruce Carter Tournament – Sunday January 26, 2025 @ Coburg
What better way to start the year than to get a lot of matches under your belt!!! Multi-player round robin format where you get to play numerous players.
9.00am-12.30pm: Division 2 for players up to 1400 Ratings Central Points
1-5pm: Division 1 Open (note that players up to 1400 Ratings Central Points can also enter this event)
Round-robin stage: best of 5 games; however, if you win the first 2 games, then that match is over. If the match is tied at 2 games all, then the fifth game starts at 5 points all. Semi-finals and finals to follow round-robin stage.
Note: results will not be uploaded to Ratings Central.
Fees: $10 (incl GST) or $15 (incl GST) to enter both divisions
No need to register; just show up! Regardless of your standard of play, you are guaranteed many matches!!
**Cash prizes for the winners**
Enquiries: admin@coburgtabletennis.club
Holiday Camp @ Coburg
Holiday Camp open to all: from 1-3pm daily on Monday January 20, Tuesday January 21, Thursday January 23 and Friday January 24 (note that the Wednesday session previuosly advertised has been cancelled).
Cost is $10 per session payable on the day; no booking required.
The Holiday Camp will be run by Bruce Carter; enquiries: Brian on 0492 904 954
2025 Elite Open Qualification Tournament @ Coburg TTC
Coburg TTC is hosting a qualification event for an Elite tournament taking place in Perth later this year.
Date: Sunday February 2 at Coburg TTC; all skill levels are welcome. The top four players will secure a spot in the 2025 Elite International Open Championships.
Events: Qualifier (Open) Singles; Open Doubles; Juniors (u/19); Veterans (o/40) Singles
Event director: Zach Anstey zach.anstey2@gmail.com
Further details plus registration form: https://forms.gle/vqQmt84pFwVx64mY9 Registrations close on January 26, 2025.
Wednesday and Friday Pennants – Autumn 2025
Registrations are now open for our Wednesday and Friday Autumn pennant seasons.
Wednesday Pennant register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/275175
- 3 person teams
- Starting date: Wednesday February 5, 2025 at 7pm (duration of season will be confirmed once registrations close). Registrations close on January 29, 2025.
Friday pennant register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/275335
- 2 or 3-person teams, depending on number of players registering
- Starting date: Friday February 14, 2025 at 7pm (duration of season will be confirmed once registrations close). Registrations close on January 31, 2025.
NOTE: we are awaiting advice from Merri-Bek City Council regarding a starting date for the refurbishment of the foyer/replacement of the front door. This could perhaps mean postponing the start of, or pausing, the season for some weeks. We will notify all players once we receive Council confirmation.
- Pennant fees: $7 (including GST) per player per week, payable up front when season starts.
- CTTC membership fee (annual): $10
- TTV annual registration fees
Enquiries: admin@coburgtabletennis.club
Holiday period closing and opening times
Dear Club Members & Patrons,
The Club will be closing Monday night 23rd December 2024 at 10pm and reopening on Monday 6th January 2025 at 10am.
All Club coaching classes will recommence the following week starting on Monday 13th January 2025.
Keenagers may continue throughout the holiday period.
We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.
CTTC Committee