9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club
Club News

Friday Spring Pennant – registrations now open

Our Friday Spring Pennant starts on Friday, September 13; register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/237129

  • 7pm start
  • 2 or 3-person teams, depending on number of players registering
  • duration of season will be confirmed once registrations close
  • Fees:
    • Pennant fees: $6 per player per week, payable up front when season starts
    • CTTC membership fee (annual): $10 (unless already paid)
    • TTV player registration fee (annual): $45 (unless already paid)
  • registrations close on September 3, 2024

Contact Brian on 0492 904 954 if you have any questions.

Coburg @ Australian National Veterans Championships

Congratulations to all our players who have been selected to represent Victoria in the upcoming National Veterans Championships to be held in Launceston from September 14-21:

  • Cheryl Huang, Melisa Ball, Belgin Bennett, Willa Yu, Craig Carter, Rhys Thomas, Peter Antoniou, David Segal, John Griffiths, David Brand, John Pattison, Adrien Shnier, David Kumar, Richard Ooi, Mike Donlon and Mark Chilcott

We wish them all the best.


Tuesday Spring Pennant @ Coburg: registrations now open

Our Tuesday Spring Pennant starts on Tuesday, September 3; register here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/249029

  • 3-person teams where each player plays 3 singles matches; no doubles matches*
  • 7pm start
  • fees: $60.00, payable when season starts.
    • additional fees (unless already paid): CTTC membership ($10 annual fee) as well as annual TTV player registration.
  • registrations close on August 27, 2024

* Note the change in format from the current season, a decision based on a recent survey of current Tuesday pennant players which showed a preference for playing 3 singles. Having just shifted from 2 to 3-person teams, we’re looking for the most appropriate format moving forward. For example, a key consideration is avoiding relatively late finishes, hence the decision to not play doubles this coming season. Further feedback will be sought from players over the next two or three months.

Contact Brian on 0492 904 954 if you have any questions.

Wednesday morning opening update

The first Wednesday morning opening has been delayed by 1 week to 29.05.2024 due to a school group hiring the Centre. Keenagers who have paid their annual fee may also attend the Wednesday morning sessions for free.

Club to open Wednesday mornings

The Club is to open each Wednesday morning commencing 22.05.2024 from 9am to 1pm. During this time the Club is open for public hire and to peak playing rights members.

Committee member Ismail Abou-Sinna will be on kiosk duty.

Coburg Premier League Starting on Thursday June 6 – Registrations now open

Coburg TTC’s inaugural Coburg Premier League, for players with 1600+ ratings, will kick off on Thursday June 6 2024. (Note that players who are below 1600 RC points will be considered if circumstances warrant.)

  • 7 two-person teams
  • a 14-week season (7.30pm start) plus semi-finals and final
  • fees: $130 (‘early-bird’ fee of $120 if paid by May 21, 2024)
  • Prizemoney as follows:
    • Leading player: $800
    • Number 2 player: $500
    • Number 3 player: $300
    • Number 4 player: $200
    • Premiers: $300 each
    • Runners-up: $200 each

Online registration and further details here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/239261 Registrations close on June 1, 2024.

Enquiries: Brian on 0492 904 954

Coburg Premier League – Coming Soon!

In early June, Coburg TTC will be launching a new Thursday Night competition for players with 1600+ ratings

  • 7 two-person teams
  • a 14-week season (7.30pm start) plus semi-finals and final
  • fees: $130
  • Prizemoney as follows:
    • Leading player: $800
    • Number 2 player: $500
    • Number 3 player: $300
    • Number 4 player: $200
    • Premiers: $300 each
    • Runners-up: $200 each

More details as well as online registration forms will be released soon.

Enquiries: Brian on 0492 904 954

Registrations now open – Danni Di Toro Tournament & Metro Championships

The 2024 Danni Di Toro Tournament will be held at the club from 9am on Sunday June 16; this event is open to everyone. NB: entries close on June 2; details and online registration here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/238688

In addition, Coburg Table Tennis Club will be fielding teams at the 2024 Victorian Metropolitan Championships to be held on June 8 and 9 at the Kilysth Sports Stadium; this event is only open to current club members. Note that, this year, team events will be spread over the two days (ie Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9); individual events will be held on Monday June 10. NB: entries close on May 20. Details and online registration here https://www.revolutionise.com.au/coburgttc/events/238694

Contact Brian on 0492 904 954 if you have any questions.