9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club

2 players came to the desk. they played their Elimination match at 2 all Loser eliminated- + they don’t remember who won ? Although one of the players did ‘lose his shirt’ -We still don’t know what was wearing when he went home 3 PLAYERS THIS WEEK DID NOT KNOW IF THEY WON OR LOST A MATCH

jack La was informed it was Elimination finals night -so he thought he better be on time and win a trophy – No Jack -still have to win tonight -then Semi finals then -Grand Final -How did his team go ? they lost but he now plans for Sunday -Get eliminated then win the Consolation event
Sorry Jack -Consolation is individuals only -you would have to beat your team mates !

5 non shows for tonights finals ! Surely a record ? & how about Min -She has Toby with a hard bat as a partner- they win Doubles so she plays 2 in a row -refuses to let Toby play -then goes home early ! And could not explain why there were gaps in the score sheet ! But Matt & Joe they are happy with their team win yet it says they lost 1 -EASY opponents had gone home so they change one of the results !