9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club

Holiday period closing and opening times

Dear Club Members & Patrons,

The Club will be closing Monday night 23rd December 2024 at 10pm and reopening on Monday 6th January 2025 at 10am.

All Club coaching classes will recommence the following week starting on Monday 13th January 2025.

Keenagers may continue throughout the holiday period.

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.

CTTC Committee

Wednesday morning opening update

The first Wednesday morning opening has been delayed by 1 week to 29.05.2024 due to a school group hiring the Centre. Keenagers who have paid their annual fee may also attend the Wednesday morning sessions for free.

Club Updates

20.04.2024 Saturday afternoon special training group:

1:30pm Dillon Chambers and Trent Carter will be training at the Club. Dillon will use the training in preparation for the lead up to the coming Olympic trials.

2:30pm they will be joined by the all-conquering over 30’s Vic team including Sam Palmer, Craig Carter, Chris Dobrovic and Ben Taylor. Top Australian junior female player Connie Psihogios will also attend.

4pm there is a chance for some Coburg players to join in a top of the table routine followed by a Super match.

Its free entry to see some of Australia’s top players in serious training.

Barriers between courts – new higher and stronger barriers displaying the Club logo have been installed between courts.

Building ventilation fans – 6 roof fans have been installed over the playing area. A big thank you to our local federal member Peter Khalil for approving the grant funding for the fans.

Entry wall mural – The external entry is soon to be smartened up with a new wall mural and signage to replace the existing bat and balls mural.

Fold up chairs – New chairs are soon to be installed in the passage leading down to the back courts to replace the orange chairs.

Foyer floor – the Council is looking at a project to extend the floor and upgrade the steps, to courts 1, 2 & 3.

Internal lighting – We have applied for a grant to upgrade the lighting over our 9 tables to reduce glare when playing. The results of the grant may be known in July.

Internal painting – We are planning to have the club repainted later this year to freshen it up. We are currently choosing a paint colour.

Vision impaired table tennis group – This group are soon to play their matches fortnightly on Monday in room 10. A specially designed table for their use is to be stored in the robot area.

Member protection information officer (MPIO) – The MPIO provides confidential information for any enquiries, concerns or complaints about harassment and abuse. John Scott is the Club’s MPIO. He may be contacted on email mpio@coburgtabletennis.club

AGM Monday 11.12.2023, 7:30pm – Room 10, Coburg Table Tennis Club

Hi Club Members,

The 2023 Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 11.12.2023 at 7:30pm in room 10 at the Club.

The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

  1. Confirm minutes from the previous year’s Annual General Meeting of 28.11.2022.
  2. To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Club, including the Annual Financial Statements.
  3. Elect the Committee, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Members.
  4. Confirm or vary the annual 2024 Club subscription and joining fee.
  5. General questions and answers.

Committee nomination and proxy forms will be available at the Club’s kiosk.


Mark Chilcott


Angelo Tabone’s Passing

Angelo Tabone who is well known in table tennis circles has passed away. The Club extends our deepest sympathy to Angelo’s family and friends. Further information on Angelo’s many contributions to table tennis can be found on Table Tennis Australia’s website:


Angelo Tabone’s funeral details:

Friday 21st April 2023, Viewing 10:30am, Service 11:00am. Followed by refreshments then burial at Fawkner cemetery.

Tobin Brothers Funerals

111 Wheatsheaf Road, Glenroy, Vic 3046

The funeral service will be Webcast live. Your tributes and memories for the family may also be uploaded.

Funeral notice for Angelo Joseph Tabone | Funeral Directors & Servi… (tobinbrothers.com.au)





Keith Keane funeral

Keith Keane’s funeral will be held on:

Monday 27th February 2023, at 10:30am.


Michael Crawford Funerals

226 Main Street,

Bacchus Marsh, Vic.

It will also be live streamed from the live streaming platform on their website. Personal tributes can be written from viewers of the live stream that can be printed out for the family.


The Club extends our deepest sympathy to Keith’s family and friends.

Keith Keane’s passing

It is with deep regret to advise that Keith Keane has passed away. Keith was a life member and recipient of the 2011 Club service award. He originally joined the Club in 1958 and contributed to the Club in many roles for over 50 years as a player, coach and member of the Committee. He will be sadly missed. The Club extends our deepest sympathy to Keith’s family and friends.


Funeral Service for Lena Baghdassarian

The funeral service for Lena Baghdassarian will be held on Thursday 16th February at 11am.

Funeral service location:

St. Peter’s Catholic Church

13 Davisson Street, Epping.

Rosary at 11am followed by mass at 11:30am.

Refreshments after at Garo’s house.

The Club extends our deepest sympathy to Garo, the Baghdassarian family and friends.