9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club

We thank Ryman Health for their continued support. Their Health /Stroke truck was in the car park and many Keenagers took advantage of it to have their blood pressure taken and a health . check done .
Many thanks to Jennifer & franca wo als took the time to come and visit the club.
PLUS we were blessed by royalty as Jim made his first visit to Keenagers. The ‘Sledge Hammer’ did not have a hit as he was here on a more important task. AMANDA from ABC National Radio was at the club interviewing some of our over 50’s and Jim was first cab off the rank. Bonny Hannie, John swift (85 years old ) Mel, Bill Mac & frank were also interviewed. Amanda then ventured onto the courts to interview Patsy & Jan and have a bit of a hit .

Now its the hard task for Amanda and her crew to edit all the info they have gained today.

The interviews will go to air in January or february and the link will be shared on this web site.