9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club

Exam time so some of our ‘guns’ were unable to train tonight but it allowed us to train some of the guys who will be playing against Geelong in just over a week PLUS invite a couple of pennant players to help out
THE MANNEQUIN nearly melted – ROSS was wrecked and SCRUFFY pulled the pin before the end
Impressive debuts from Ali Jarrah + Thomas -Nathan looked even smoother than normal -Bronson is a running machine -Oscars skills are excellent Morgan and Jaimin continue to improve and Katie and Mia continue to train hard . The work done by Lim especially with the players service is fabulous and it was a treat seeing Raymond and Steven G training hard. Lachlan is the proud owner of a new blade donated by Paralympian Barak Mizrechi

If you are around the club on a Thursday between 5pm and 6-30pm this group is worth a look at.