9350 4723 or 0492 904 954 admin@coburgtabletennis.club

COVID-19 CASE – CTTC, SATURDAY 15/01/2022, 11.00AM TO 1.00PM

Dear Members,

For your information, the Club was advised that a coach at last Saturday’s coaching between 11am and 1pm has since tested positive for COVID-19. Accordingly those players who were in close contact with this coach last Saturday have been contacted and advised to get tested, and or monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms.

According to Dept. of Health guidelines everyone else who attended the Club last Saturday morning are considered to be at low risk to catch COVID-19. However if you do show any signs of COVID-19 symptoms please get tested.

When visiting the Club please continue to wear a mask while not playing table tennis as required by Health regulations.

Kind Regards

Mark Chilcott


Reminder – Club AGM Monday 17/01/2022, 7:30pm

Hi Club Members,

Just a reminder that our Club annual general meeting for financial members is to be held this Monday 17/01/2022, 7:30pm, in room 10 at the Club.

If you cannot attend in person and wish to attend the meeting on Zoom, please let me know before the weekend and I will forward you the meeting link.

For those who wish to share supper after the meeting please bring along a plate.


Mark Chilcott

CTTC Secretary


COVID-19 Case – CTTC, Tuesday 4/01/2022, 7pm to 8:30pm

Dear Members,

For your information, the Club was advised that a player who attended last Tuesday night’s pennant session between 7pm to 8:30pm has since tested positive for COVID-19. Accordingly those members who were in close contact with this player on Tuesday night have been contacted and advised to get tested, and or monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms.

According to Dept. of Health guidelines everyone else at the Club on Tuesday night are considered to be at low risk to catch COVID-19. However if you do show any signs of COVID-19 symptoms please get tested.

Please ensure when visiting the Club to wear a mask while not playing table tennis as required by Health regulations.

Kind Regards

Mark Chilcott


Notice of Club AGM

Dear Coburg Table Tennis Club Members

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of Coburg Table Tennis Club Inc. A0009252A is to be held at the Club rooms 50 Murray Rd, Coburg Nth, on Monday Jan. 17th, 2022 at 7:30pm.

The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

  1. Welcome and approval of register of meeting attendees eligible to vote, proxies and apologies.
  2. Confirm minutes from the previous year’s Annual General Meeting of 18/01/2021 and Special General Meeting of 12/04/2021.
  3. Business arising from the previous minutes.
  4. 2021 Club Annual Report of the Club, including the Annual Financial Statements.
  5. Hall of fame announcement, Graeme Stirling.
  6. Announcement of election results or conduct the elections for Committee of Management position at the meeting (as required). President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Member.
  7. Confirm annual 2022 Club membership fee/ joining fee of $10.
  8. General questions and answers.

Please note meeting attendance in person is limited for financial members who are COVID-19 vaccinated due to current restrictions. However for other financial members you may attend the meeting via Zoom. In this case please notify the Secretary before Friday 14/01/2022 to arrange Zoom access.

If you are unable to attend the meeting and wish another financial member to vote on your behalf please complete the “appointment of proxy form”. If you wish to nominate for a Committee position please complete the “nomination form”. Please return these forms to the Secretary prior to the meeting start.

The 2021 Club Annual Report, previous 2020 AGM/2021 SGM minutes, nomination and proxy forms are available to download for your reference below.

If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to give an apology for non-attendance please advise the Secretary.

Kind Regards
Mark Chilcott
CTTC Secretary


Nomination forms and other documents links:

2021 CTTC Annual Report

2020 AGM Meeting Minutes

2021.04.12 CTTC Special General Meeting Minutes

AGM forms – Nomination, Proxy, Meeting Agenda

Keith Keane awarded Table Tennis Australia’s 2021 – 50 Year Service to Table Tennis Award

We have great pleasure in announcing that Keith Keane, our former Club coach, official and player has been awarded Table Tennis Australia’s “50 Years of Service to Table Tennis Award”. Congratulations to Keith on receiving the award. Thank you for your outstanding service to our Club and for your great contributions to the sport of table tennis.

Keith’s daughter Keryn Kumar and Bruce Carter discuss Keith’s table tennis achievements in a short video on Facebook link below:

(15) table tennis australia – Search Results | Facebook

Vale Peter Peart

Dear friends,

It is my sad duty to report that one of Coburg’s longest serving member/player, Peter Peart passed away just before 11pm Thursday night at the age of 83. He was Victorian over 70s champion a few years back, played Coburg comp A grade and TTV pennant for many years.  I had the pleasure of knowing him only for the past 16 years or so, while Mark C and Les to name only a couple knew him and the family for a lot longer than me. Our thought go out to Pat and the Peart family. Forever in our thoughts, we bid Peter farewell.

Bruce C

AGM postponed

Dear Club Members,

Unfortunately our Club President Brian Zammit cannot attend for medical reasons the Club’s AGM which was planned for Monday 22/11/2021. As Brian has played a big part in running the Club over the last year we would like to hold the AGM when Brian is well enough to attend. The AGM is postponed to either December 2021 or January 2022. I will advise you of the new AGM date when confirmed.

My apologies for any inconvenience.

Kind Regards

Mark Chilcott

Secretary CTTC

New club shirts! Order today!

Dear members,

Coburg TTC will be placing an order for new club shirts at the end of the month.
We are placing orders on 1 October, so if you would like to buy a shirt, you must place your order using the attached form by 30/9/21.

Club Shirt Design

Cost is $45 per shirt, or $47.50 with your name on the back.

*default format for player name is Initial, Surname (eg. B Zammit). Please indicate if you require something different.

Below is the sizing information and order form link.

Sizing Information 

Click here for the Order Form

Please pay using EFT
Bank details: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633000
Account number: 151257508
Use Reference: Shirt-Your Surname

More tables on Saturdays !

After the terrible news of another lockdown today, here is some good news for when we return.

More tables Saturdays


Club open for general play Friday 6.30pm !

It is with great pleasure I advise the committee has put in place the required new processes to enable the club to open for play once again. Friday Keenagers and Friday competition will not occur this week as we need a little time to implement the new procedures.
The changes in processes include:

  • compulsory member wipe down of tables before and after use using supplied cleaner and disposable paper towels
  • do not deliberately touch tables during play
  • extra cleaning of high use areas by Kiosk staff and member volunteers (involving temporary closure of Kiosk for 5-10 mins)
  • including
    • Kiosk counter
    • Spectator table
    • Spectator seats
    • Door nobs
    • Bathroom vanities and toilets
  • additional cleaning of change rooms.

We also remind individuals it is a personal responsibility to ensure you wear masks when not playing, to check-in and use hand sanitiser on entry and at regular intervals and look after your own health and safety as much as possible so that we can look after our fellow members. If we all take personal responsibility to comply with the rules and take precautions we can keep the club open.

Members are welcome to use spray bottles and paper towel to clean any area prior to use if they have concerns.

Spin to win and spray and clean to stay open.

See many of you Friday night 6.30pm for a game.